• Number of employees
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Scholarship Status Dashboard – as of December 1, 2024
802 Opportunity GrantAVAILABLE NOW!
Vermont Tuition AdvantageON HOLD AS OF 8/17/24
CCV Pathways ScholarshipAVAILABLE NOW!
CCV IT and Cyber Careers ScholarshipAVAILABLE NOW!
Degree Completion ScholarshipAVAILABLE NOW!

Generous funding from the State of Vermont and CCV’s partners support the following programs:

802 Opportunity Grant
This provides tuition-FREE college for the fall and spring semesters to any student in a degree program whose family income is $75,000 or less and does not already have a bachelor’s degree. Students will be required to complete a FAFSA and Vermont Grant Application through Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). New AND current students are eligible. Learn more at vsac.org/free-tuition-ccv-yes-really.

Vermont Tuition Advantage
With generous support from Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont Legislature, the Vermont Tuition Advantage program reduces CCV tuition by 50% for eligible Vermonters in certain high-demand certificate and degree programs. Available during the 2024-2025 academic year, the discount applies to in-state students who have not previously received the award on a first come, first-served basis. Learn more at ccv.edu/advantage.

CCV Pathways Scholarship
The CCV Pathways Scholarship provides tuition and fee-free college after federal and state financial aid to students in select healthcare programs.

CCV IT and Cyber Careers Scholarship
In partnership with Metallica’s All Within My Hands Foundation, this scholarship encourages and seeks to expand access to careers in IT and cybersecurity workforce readiness. Students enrolled in at least 6 credits for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semester can receive up to $2,000, or $1,000 per semester.

Degree Completion Scholarship
This VSC program provides tuition- and fee-FREE college to students who earn less than 300% of the federal poverty line by household size and have at least 40 transferable credits. Students can receive up to 30 credits of tuition-FREE college during the fall and spring semester of each academic year. Students will be required to complete a FAFSA and Vermont Grant Application through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).

Federal Income Limit Table (for Degree Completion Scholarship eligibility):

If your household size is…Your income limit is…

Add $4,730 for each person in your household over 8 people.


CCV Learning Centers provide a welcoming environment for students to get the academic support they need for free. Each of our academic centers offers students access to computer labs and study areas, providing open and friendly spaces for studying, one-on-one or group assistance, and study groups.

Learning Center Online Live allows students to access drop-in academic mentoring and receive support from anywhere via Zoom. Access this service through the Learning Center Online Live tile in the Portal.

Academic and Career Resources

  • CCV offers 24/7 on-demanding, online tutoring available in all courses. Students can get immediate support or drop off an essay for review. This service is available through your Canvas classroom. Go to your Canvas course online (every class has one!) and find Tutor.com: 24/7 Online Tutoring in the Canvas navigation menu.
  • Students can access a large collection of online periodicals, eBooks, streaming videos, and specialized academic databases through the VSCS Libraries. Our librarians are available to help you find what you need! Call (1-800-431-0025), text (802-278-0997), email (libraries@vsc.edu) or chat from the library website!
  • Prepare for your career and work goals by consulting CCV’s Career Services resources. Our career consultants are here to help you explore career options, craft compelling materials, and gain professional confidence.

Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – Winooski


1 Abenaki Way
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: 802-654-0505
Fax: 802-654-0561
Text: 802-448-1649

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – Winooski


1 Abenaki Way
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: 802-654-0505
Fax: 802-654-0561
Text: 802-448-1649

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

Registration Information
Review the course schedule and call us to schedule an appointment with your advisor. Returning students may be able to register online.

Academic Advising
Want some advice on your next step toward success? Call 802-654-0545 or stop by Winooski office suite 103 to make an appointment with your advisor.

New Student Advising Appointments (NSAA)
The first step all new degree-seeking students take is to schedule a one-on-one NSAA with an advisor. Please call the center to find a time that works for you.

All new degree-seeking students will sign up for an orientation when they register for classes. Check out the schedule to choose the best day and time for you!

Scheduling Assessments
Self-schedule an Accuplacer here.
Self-schedule a QRA here.
For scheduling questions, call 802-654-0545.

For those who need, there is an online proctor for DSST found here: prometric.com/proproctorcandidate
For more information about Credit by Examination, CLEP, and DSST, please visit Credit by Examination.

Financial Aid
Apply as soon as possible to make sure you can register for classes on time.

United Way Resource Coordinators
CCV’s United Way Working Bridges Coordinators are available to support students with transportation, housing, childcare, healthcare, and financial management. They can be reached via email anytime at workingbridgesteam@unitedwaynwvt.org.

Need help with homework? Get online, on-demand help around the clock with Tutor.com. Students can connect with over 3,000 qualified tutors, drop off an essay for review, and even take practice quizzes. This service is available 24/7 through each Canvas classroom. To sign in to Tutor.com, go to your Canvas course online and find On-Demand in the Tutor.com navigation menu. Click on the link. No further login necessary.

VSCS Library Books Drop Off now available at the Winooski Center!

The Drop Off box is located at the visitor lot entrance. Please remember that this is for VSCS Library books ONLY. If you have any questions, please call the front desk.

Parking & Transportation

Fall 2024 Parking Information
Students driving to campus should register and obtain parking privileges from CCV. Parking privileges allow students to park in the Winooski City Parking Garage at 20 Cascade Way. Please use the second entrance. Parking privileges are valid on Levels 4-7 ONLY. You will need to provide accurate license plate numbers for up to two vehicles. Parking privileges are for those two vehicles only. The City of Winooski will monitor parking by looking at license plate numbers, you will not receive a physical pass.  Vehicles without sufficient privileges will be ticketed.

The garage is located one block from the CCV building and provides covered parking that is monitored and secured by the City of Winooski. CCV can provide an escort to the garage for those who request it. Street parking is limited to two hours and is strictly enforced by the City of Winooski. You can park in the public portion of the parking garage (level 1-3) and pay as you go. Please note, if you arrive before 5pm and plan to stay until after 5pm, you cannot pay for parking all at once and will either have to return to the garage to pay for time after 5 pm or pay via the parking app on your phone.

Winooski Parking Garage Rules & Regulations

Parking Fee
The $50 fee for obtaining parking privileges is nonrefundable. Once a student has registered for parking privileges online, the fee is added to the student account. Parking privileges begin 2 business days after registering their vehicle and end the last day of class for the semester. Students must reapply & pay for additional semesters.

CCV Parking Lots
The Faculty and Visitor parking lot located off East Allen Street is reserved for visitor, faculty with valid permits, and those with valid handicapped placards. Students and staff must park in the Winooski City Parking Garage at 20 Cascade Way. Visitors in the East Allen parking lot must check in at the front desk on arrival to obtain a temporary parking pass.

Dropping Off at CCV
When dropping off or picking up at CCV, please feel free to pull into one of our parking areas.

Public Transportation
GMT provides two bus routes to serve Winooski. Bus stops are located on East-Allen street (#2) and lower Abenaki Way (#9) before the stop sign. Both routes have frequent trips through the day and evening. The Essex Junction route (#2) runs every 15 to 30 minutes between Winooski and Fletcher Allen Healthcare and Cherry Street terminal in Burlington. The Winooski/Riverside route (#9) runs hourly during the day between Winooski and Cherry Street via the Old North End of Burlington.

As part of our LEED accreditation goals, CCV installed 28 conventional bike parking rack spaces and nine vertical mount spaces for our constituent needs. The bike racks are located at the south end of the facility (off Abenaki Way), under the carport, so they are protected from inclement weather. There is also an additional bike rack next to the main entrance. Please do not chain bikes to trees, handrails, or objects other than bike racks.

Winooski Galleries

These galleries are designed to act as an academic forum for the display of new ideas. Their ultimate purpose is to expose CCV students and the greater Winooski community to contemporary artists, their art, and processes. Artists will display their work for a semester and may be invited to give a community slide lecture demonstrating their artistic process, emphasizing the use of materials, fundamentals of design, and importance of the foundations to developing artists.

Gallery Hours
Mon – Fri 8AM – 4PM, Sat & Sun – closed. Please call 654-0505 for current hours of operation

Current Exhibitions

  • 1st Floor Gallery:  Zoie Anastasia’s paintings explore portraiture and landscape by creating shimmering holographic-like images resulting in stream-of-consciousness soft, blurry naturescapes.
  • 2nd Floor Gallery: Upcoming: photographs by Micheal Kay

To Apply
Please contact Dana Lee at dana.lee@ccv.edu.  We are always interested in hearing from artists who would like to exhibit. Please call to find a space in our schedule.

Other Artistic News
The Winooski Galleries are listed in the locally based art magazine, Art Map Burlington (distributed by Kasini House).

We continue to enjoy the fact that local galleries and museums are part of a map that is printed and distributed throughout Burlington and Winooski each month. Our galleries are listed on the map, and we know this has encouraged more foot traffic through our galleries. Look for the latest copy by the Winooski Reception desk.

Work From Previous Artists

student painting of a birds nest
Nest by Leigh Ann Rooney
Abstract student painting
Gown, oven, rabbit by Einsig

If you are having trouble accessing or participating in your online classes due to technical problems, please submit a helpdesk request. Technical support is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm by calling 802-828-2810 or via email. Please contact your advisor with any academic questions.

For Personal Academic Support

The Canvas Basics for Students is an orientation that will teach you:

  • how online classes work and what to expect when taking an online class, 
  • how to use the tools in the Portal you’ll need to participate in an online class, and 
  • time management techniques to help you succeed.

View a schedule of upcoming workshops.

Center-Based Academic Support

For general academic support start by exploring our Academic Support pages.

Learning Centers at CCV locations College-wide provide personalized assistance and support for academic work in a variety of subjects. The Learning Centers focus on promoting student learning, with individualized assistance from peer and faculty tutors. Contact your local CCV academic center for hours and schedules.

Online-Based Academic Support

You can get free, online academic support through on-demand tutoring, which provides help with writing for all of your courses. Other subjects covered include math (including calculus and statistics), accounting, biology, chemistry, anatomy & physiology, and research methods and information literacy.

Online Learning Staff

Please direct inquiries about CCV online courses to Sarah Corrow, Associate Director of Academic Technology at sarah.corrow@ccv.edu or contact the Center for Online Learning by emailing onlineadvising@ccv.edu, calling 802-334-4451 or texting 802-613-0187.

The Center for Online Learning administrative staff can provide general assistance and guidance as well as technical assistance with the Portal and Canvas for both faculty and students.

Jennifer Alberico: Associate Academic Dean/Director of Online Teaching, 802-254-6366

Sarah Corrow: Associate Director of Academic Technology, 802-334-4319/4451

Questions about registering for an online class? Your advisor can help! If you don’t have an advisor or are unsure who your advisor is, please contact Sarah Corrow.

If you are experiencing a technical issue you can also receive assistance by submitting a help desk request by clicking the ? in the upper right-hand corner of the Portal or by navigating to servicedesk.vsc.edu/. When submitting a help desk request please provide as much information as possible to help the technician assist you in resolving the issue.

For Canvas issues you can access 24/7 support by clicking the ? located in the Canvas global navigation menu located on the left side of your Canvas classroom.

For quick reference, you may also refer to the Center for Online Learning staff directory.

Contact the Center for Online Learning



Your first step is to complete the CCV online application.


If you’ve attended college prior to applying to CCV, please arrange to have official copies of all previous transcripts sent to CCV’s registrar:

Transcript Clerk
PO Box 489
Montpelier VT 05601

Previous transcripts will help to determine which of the four skills assessments you’ll be required to complete for enrollment in CCV classes, and inform which classes you will need to take to earn your associate degree at CCV.

Skills Assessments

CCV uses a simple process to help you choose the best courses to start your college experience. Before you enroll in college courses, please schedule and complete the free Accuplacer assessment to take a snapshot of your academic skills.

These tools will help direct you to a starting point in your academic career at CCV. You will also find a brief self-assessment to gauge readiness for the online classroom.

Financial Aid

You can learn more about how to pay for college by visiting the Tuition and Fees section of our site.

The Center for Online Learning’s financial aid counselors are here to help with any questions regarding financial aid. For more information, contact Justin Bourdeau, financial aid counselor, at 802-888-4258 or justin.bourdeau@ccv.edu

Degree Programs

Spend time exploring CCV’s degree programs and planning your degree by visiting CCV’s online catalog and viewing our most current course list.

How do I know if online learning is for me?

What computing skills will I need?

Experience in accessing and navigating the internet, composing and sending emails, uploading and downloading files, composing documents, and cutting, copying, and pasting text are essential skills for success in the online classroom.

What classes does CCV offer online?

CCV offers over 800 fully online courses each academic year, including an entire menu of general education and program-specific courses. In addition, many hybrid courses are available, combining online and in-person meetings. For online course offerings, view the course schedule.

Can I earn an associate degree fully online?

Yes. Many degree and certificate programs can be completed entirely online. Some students may need to take pre-college Basic Skills courses, which are offered at all twelve academic centers each semester. To determine whether or not you need these courses, refer to our skills assessment section.

How do I review online course materials before I register?

You will find general information, such as learning objectives and course descriptions, in the catalog. Faculty, textbook, and scheduling information, as well as software requirements for specific courses, are available in the course schedule.

How do I register for a course?

If you haven’t applied to CCV before, go to the Apply section and follow the instructions there. If you have been admitted to CCV, be sure to review our Register for Classes page and talk to your academic advisor.

How do I access my online courses?

All online courses can be accessed via the CCV Portal.

What if my username and/or password is not working?

If you are still having trouble logging in, submit a helpdesk request.

Where and when do I purchase textbooks for my online courses?

Approximately 30 days prior to the first day of the semester, the CCV Bookstore will open and you can order textbooks, if required, for all of your CCV courses. Visit the CCV textbook page for information on purchasing textbooks.

How will I know when my online classes start?

You will receive two email messages.The first is a test to locate incorrect addresses.The second will contain directions for logging in. If you do not receive an email by the first day of class, you should contact the Center for Online Learning immediately, either by phone at 802-334-4451 or onlineadvising@ccv.edu.

How do I access and forward my @ccv.edu email?

  1. Visit http://mail.o365.vsc.edu/. You can also access webmail using the Access Webmail link found in the footer of every ccv.edu page.
  2. Log in using your Portal credentials. Your username will be the first letters of your first, middle, and last names, and your birth month and day followed by zero. For example, Aretha Louise Franklin was born on March 25, 1942. Aretha’s username would be alf03250.
  3. You will now be logged into your Office365 account. You may be presented with the home screen or your Outlook mail account.
    To Forward Your Email:

    1. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
    2. Under My app settings, choose Mail.
    3. You will now be on the Mail Options page. There are four different menu options on the left: General, Mail, Calendar, and People. Click on Mail.
    4. Choose Accounts from the submenu.
    5. Choose Forwarding.
    6. Choose Start Forwarding and enter the email address you would like your email forwarded to. You may also elect to save a copy of the email in your Outlook mailbox.
    7. When you are done click Save.

What can I expect in an online course?

As in any class, you will have projects to complete and deadlines to meet in your online class. However, unlike face-to-face classes, you won’t have anyone tapping you on the shoulder to remind you about deadlines. It’s important to read all of the information provided in your course site at the start of the semester. If you have questions, email your instructor immediately.

What kind of learning strategies work best for online courses?

Once you have a clear understanding of the course requirements, plan a weekly schedule that will help you meet all necessary deadlines. This schedule should include time to work independently on assigned readings, papers, quizzes, and projects, and time for logging on and participating in written discussions. As a general rule, plan to be online and participating in discussions at least 3 times per week.

Whom should I contact for technical or Canvas support?

For technical support, refer to our IT Support page.

Whom should I contact for academic support?

Please contact your academic advisor.

How can I learn more about the Portal and Canvas?

We encourage you to visit the training resources on our online learning help page. You can also contact your academic advisor to enroll in Canvas Basics for Students.

Do you have a current Desktop PC Operating System?

  • Windows 10 (if you have an earlier version of Windows, *please* consider upgrading as soon as possible)  
  • Mac OS X 10.11 or later
  • Linux (a recent distribution, fully updated)
  • Chromebook (but see below for software issues) 

Is your mobile device’s operating system up to date? 

  • iPhone or iPad with iOS 12.0 or later
  • Android (phone or tablet) with version 5.0 or later  

Note that Canvas makes a mobile app for both iOS and Android, which you can get from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.  We definitely recommend it. 

Checking your versions varies from device to device.  On Windows, go to Start, Settings, System, About.  On a Mac, go to the apple menu in the upper left and choose About this Mac.  On Android, go to Settings, About Phone, Software Information.  On iPhone/iPad, 

What Web Browsers do you have access to?  

  • Preferred:  Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox  
  • Acceptable, but you may have issues: Microsoft Edge or Safari  

Please make sure whatever browser you’re using is updated to the very latest version.  You can usually go to Help/About, or on a Mac, go to browser settings, which will tell you the version and will often offer you a way to update if necessary. 

What internet connection(s) will you rely on? 

DSL or cable modem is highly recommended.  Area wireless and satellite can work, but you may run into speed issues and bad weather can affect your connection.

Are you prepared to communicate regularly via email?  

Remember, you already have a college email account, which you can access at https://outlook.office.com/owa/vsc.edu.  This email account will be where you receive messages and notifications from Canvas, your instructors, your advisor, and the College in general. 

What about Software?  

If you don’t already have a copy installed, VSC students and faculty have access to Word and Excel online.  You can access these and your personal storage space in OneDrive at https://www.office.com, using your VSC email address (your-login-id)@vsc.edu, for example xyz01010@vsc.edu.  

Some courses, for example accounting, business, computer, and graphic design, use specific software.  Please note that if you’re using a Chromebook, or a mobile device, it is very likely that such specific software will not be available for your device. 

Are you prepared for videoconferencing? 

In order to participate in video conferences, or to record audio or video to submit for assignments in Canvas, you will need a webcam and/or a microphone, or a mobile device with a built-in camera and mic.  

You can test your setup to verify you’re ready to use Zoom by joining the test meeting here: https://zoom.us/test

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

CCV Learning Centers provide a welcoming environment for students to get the academic support they need. Each of our academic centers offers students access to computer labs and study areas, providing open and friendly spaces for studying, one-on-one or group assistance, and study groups.

Learning Center Online Live allows students to access drop-in academic mentoring and receive support from anywhere via Zoom. Access this service through the Learning Center Online Live tile in the Portal.

Academic and Career Resources

  • CCV offers 24/7 on-demanding, online tutoring available in all courses. Students can get immediate support or drop off an essay for review. This service is available through your Canvas classroom. Go to your Canvas course online (every class has one!) and find Tutor.com: 24/7 Online Tutoring in the Canvas navigation menu.
  • Students can access a large collection of online periodicals, eBooks, streaming videos, and specialized academic databases through the VSCS Libraries. Our librarians are available to help you find what you need! Call (1-800-431-0025), text (802-278-0997), email (libraries@vsc.edu) or chat from the library website!
  • Prepare for your career and work goals by consulting CCV’s Career Services resources. Our career consultants are here to help you explore career options, craft compelling materials, and gain professional confidence.

Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – Upper Valley


145 Billings Farm Road
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802-295-8822
Fax: 802-295-8862
Text: 802-526-6401

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday: 7:45am – 9:00pm
Wednesday: 7:45am – 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: Center closed. Virtual and phone appointments only.

Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – Upper Valley


145 Billings Farm Road
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802-295-8822
Fax: 802-295-8862
Text: 802-526-6401

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday: 7:45am – 9:00pm
Wednesday: 7:45am – 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: Center closed. Virtual and phone appointments only.

Registration Information
Register early to get the courses you need. Review the course schedule and call us to schedule an appointment with your advisor. Returning students may be able to register online.

Academic Advising
Want some advice on your next step toward success? Call our office to make an appointment with your advisor.

New Student Advising Appointments (NSAA)
The first step all new degree-seeking students take is to schedule a one-on-one NSAA with an advisor. Please call the center to find a time that works for you.

All new degree-seeking students will sign up for an orientation when they register for classes. Check out the schedule to choose the best day and time for you.

Financial Aid
Apply as soon as possible to make sure you can register for classes on time.

United Way Resource Coordinators
CCV’s United Way Working Bridges Coordinators are available to support students with transportation, housing, childcare, healthcare, and financial management. They can be reached via email anytime at workingbridgesteam@unitedwaynwvt.org.

Need help with homework? Get online, on-demand help around the clock with Tutor.com. Students can connect with over 3,000 qualified tutors, drop off an essay for review, and even take practice quizzes. This service is available 24/7 through each Canvas classroom. To sign in to Tutor.com, go to your Canvas course online and find On-Demand in the Tutor.com navigation menu. Click on the link. No further login necessary.

CCV Learning Centers provide a welcoming environment for students to get the academic support they need. Each of our academic centers offers students access to computer labs and study areas, providing open and friendly spaces for studying, one-on-one or group assistance, and study groups.

Learning Center Online Live allows students to access drop-in academic mentoring and receive support from anywhere via Zoom. Access this service through the Learning Center Online Live tile in the Portal.

Academic and Career Resources

  • CCV offers 24/7 on-demanding, online tutoring available in all courses. Students can get immediate support or drop off an essay for review. This service is available through your Canvas classroom. Go to your Canvas course online (every class has one!) and find Tutor.com: 24/7 Online Tutoring in the Canvas navigation menu.
  • Students can access a large collection of online periodicals, eBooks, streaming videos, and specialized academic databases through the VSCS Libraries. Our librarians are available to help you find what you need! Call (1-800-431-0025), text (802-278-0997), email (libraries@vsc.edu) or chat from the library website!
  • Prepare for your career and work goals by consulting CCV’s Career Services resources. Our career consultants are here to help you explore career options, craft compelling materials, and gain professional confidence.

Location Information

1302 Main St suite 101


1302 Main Street, Suite 101
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone: 802-748-6673
Fax: 802-748-5014
Text: 802-424-8570

Hours of Operation

Monday & Friday – By virtual appointment only
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9 am – 4 pm
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

Location Information

1302 Main St suite 101


1302 Main Street, Suite 101
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone: 802-748-6673
Fax: 802-748-5014
Text: 802-424-8570

Hours of Operation

Monday & Friday – By virtual appointment only
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9 am – 4 pm
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

CCV-St. Johnsbury New Location

We’re excited to share that CCV-St. Johnsbury has moved to the Fairbanks Museum. The center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8am-4pm, and you can reach us by phone at 802-748-6673 or contact your advisor via email.

Registration Information
Register early to get the courses you need. Review the course schedule and call us to schedule an appointment with your advisor. Returning students may be able to register online.

Academic Advising
Want some advice on your next step toward success? Call our office to make an appointment with your advisor.

New Student Advising Appointments (NSAA)
The first step all new degree-seeking students take is to schedule a one-on-one NSAA with an advisor. Please call the center to find a time that works for you.

All new degree-seeking students will sign up for an orientation when they register for classes. Check out the schedule to choose the best day and time for you.

Financial Aid
Apply as soon as possible to make sure you can register for classes on time.

United Way Resource Coordinators
CCV’s United Way Working Bridges Coordinators are available to support students with transportation, housing, childcare, healthcare, and financial management. They can be reached via email anytime at workingbridgesteam@unitedwaynwvt.org.

Need help with homework? Get online, on-demand help around the clock with Tutor.com. Students can connect with over 3,000 qualified tutors, drop off an essay for review, and even take practice quizzes. This service is available 24/7 through each Canvas classroom. To sign in to Tutor.com, go to your Canvas course online and find On-Demand in the Tutor.com navigation menu. Click on the link. No further login necessary.

CCV Learning Centers provide a welcoming environment for students to get the academic support they need. Each of our academic centers offers students access to computer labs and study areas, providing open and friendly spaces for studying, one-on-one or group assistance, and study groups.

Learning Center Online Live allows students to access drop-in academic mentoring and receive support from anywhere via Zoom. Access this service through the Learning Center Online Live tile in the Portal.

Academic and Career Resources

  • CCV offers 24/7 on-demanding, online tutoring available in all courses. Students can get immediate support or drop off an essay for review. This service is available through your Canvas classroom. Go to your Canvas course online (every class has one!) and find Tutor.com: 24/7 Online Tutoring in the Canvas navigation menu.
  • Students can access a large collection of online periodicals, eBooks, streaming videos, and specialized academic databases through the VSCS Libraries. Our librarians are available to help you find what you need! Call (1-800-431-0025), text (802-278-0997), email (libraries@vsc.edu) or chat from the library website!
  • Prepare for your career and work goals by consulting CCV’s Career Services resources. Our career consultants are here to help you explore career options, craft compelling materials, and gain professional confidence.

Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – St. Albans


97 N Main Street, Suite 200
St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802-524-6541
Fax: 802-524-5216
Text: 802-752-4498

View all Locations

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm

CCV-St. Albans will be closed on Friday, March 7. Virtual and phone appointments available!

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

Ready to get started?

Apply today or contact us with any questions.