About Safety

Safety is a top priority at CCV. All members of the CCV learning community share in the responsibility to create a safe learning environment. The College encourages anyone to submit a report informing the College of any suspicious or concerning behavior related to the CCV community. Community members can also contact any CCV staff to report security concerns.

If you see something, say something. Together, we can make our community safer.

Safety Tips

Regardless of where you live, work, or learn, there are measures you can take to avoid personal danger. You may not be able to anticipate every emergency before it occurs, but it is helpful to think about your own and others’ safety well before a situation happens.

  • Stay alert to your surroundings, whether that involves icy roads or an unfamiliar parking lot.
  • Try to stay calm. This will help you to keep a clear mind when solving problems.
  • Use a whistle or cell phone to call for help if necessary.
  • Per the weapons policy, bringing any weapon to a CCV academic center or sponsored event is strictly prohibited. Weapons may not be carried or used for any purpose.

Safety When Traveling to and from Class

  • If you have a cell phone, be sure it is charged and ready in case you need to call for help.
  • Create a first aid and/or safety kit and keep it in your vehicle.
  • If you are comfortable doing so, carpool with others.
  • Park in a public place that has adequate lighting.
  • Lock your car and keep valuables out of sight.
  • Be sure you have your car keys in hand before leaving a CCV building.
  • When walking at night or in an unfamiliar area, travel with others whenever possible.
  • Trust your intuition. If something feels “off” to you, get to a safe place immediately and contact someone you trust.
  • Let friends or family know where you’re going to be and when to expect you.

CCV does not employ a campus security force. Rather, the College fosters relationships with local police departments. Incidents that occur at a CCV academic center and may be criminal in nature, are reported promptly for investigation by the local law enforcement authority.

College Intervention Team (CIT)

CIT is a team dedicated to assisting students, faculty, and staff who may be in distress or experiencing difficult life circumstances. The primary focus of the team is to take a proactive approach to identifying students who are struggling and provide early intervention, resources, and community referrals. 

Scope of Care

Recognizing that many factors play into academic success, CCV’s goal is to support our students’ persistence as they encounter challenges that are both academic and personal in nature. For academic/career supports, students may access tutoring, study skills, and career consultation through the Learning and Career Centers in each academic center and online. Coordinators of student advising provide academic advising, while financial aid counselors assist with aid resources and personal budgeting tools. For impediments outside of academics, such as childcare, transportation, and personal health and wellness issues, CCV works with the United Way’s 211 Resource Coordinator to provide referrals to local agencies and resources that can help. Sometimes academic success is hindered by sexual misconduct in the form of dating or domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault. CCV provides trained Title IX contacts to determine if there are accommodations the College can make to keep victims of such abuse safely enrolled while they pursue redress through law enforcement or social service agencies. Veterans who are attending CCV and find their progress hindered by outside factors such as housing, transportation, or health and wellbeing issues can access assistance through our Veteran & Military Services Team. For students who face serious mental health concerns and appear at risk of harming self or others, the College Intervention Team acts to assess the level of risk and respond in supportive ways to safeguard the student at risk as well as the larger CCV community. Referrals for CIT help can come to us from faculty, staff, or students. Learn more by visiting our Report a Concern page.

CCV’s Crime Report

In 1990, Congress passed the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, requiring colleges and universities to report the occurrence of criminal offenses and the number of arrests for specific crimes for the preceding calendar years.

2024 Annual Security Report

In the past three years, there were no reports of rape, murder, manslaughter or hate crimes reported at CCV. Reported from CCV’s 12 academic centers and by local police departments, there was one stalking incident in 2021 and one drug abuse disciplinary referral in 2022.

On non-campus and public property, in close proximity to CCV academic centers, there was one robbery in 2021 and one incidence of fondling, one motor vehicle theft and one domestic violence incident in 2022. None of the reported crimes manifested evidence of prejudice based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin or disability.

Policies Addressing Safety

CCV has policies in place to address safety and security. In addition, the Vermont State Colleges System has policies that address sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

The VSCS is dedicated to providing employees a safe and productive workplace. It is the policy of the VSCS that its officers, faculty, staff and others acting on its behalf have the obligation to avoid any activities or behavior that is ethically, legally, financially or otherwise questionable. Anyone who experiences or discovers a situation or behavior that has the potential to cause serious ethical, legal or financial harm to the VSCS or one of the colleges should immediately notify their supervisor. In rare instances, it may be necessary to report a situation or behavior anonymously via the Whistleblower Hotline.

Any person needing additional information about center safety or security may contact Nicole Mace, Dean of Administration, at 802-828-2800.

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