The VSCS Libraries serve both CCV and Vermont State University. Faculty, staff, and registered students can access a large collection of online periodicals, eBooks, streaming videos, and specialized academic databases through the library website.

Print materials can be requested online and are delivered directly to your home address. Materials can be returned to any CCV Academic Center.

VSCS librarians help students develop effective research strategies, navigate library databases, and recommend specific academic sources for research projects and papers. Call (1-800-431-0025), text (802-278-0997), email (, or chat from the library website. CCV users are also welcome at any of the VSCS library locations.

CCV Librarians

Miranda Axworthy
Reference & Teaching Resources Librarian
(802) 786-0013

Katie Beth Ryan
Reference & Teaching Resources Librarian
(802) 254-6366

Susan Whitehead
Reference & Teaching Resources Librarian
(802) 828-0134

Ready to get started?

Apply today or contact us with any questions.