If you would like a written consumer notice or further information on any of these items, please contact a staff member at your local academic center.
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- Academic Programs
CCV offers associate degree programs leading to associate of arts (A.A.), associate of science (A.S.) and associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degrees, as well as 22 certificates. Explore our programs. - Withdrawal Procedure
For information on how to drop a course see and the Drop, Add and Refund Policy. - Study Abroad Credit
Students who seek to enroll in a study abroad program which has been approved for credit by the College may be eligible to receive federal student aid. To explore their eligibility for federal student aid, students should contact their financial aid counselor. Students should work with their academic advisor to learn how a study abroad offering meets program requirements. - Policies Related to Academic Programs
Admissions Information
- Transfer and Articulation
Students can take advantage of CCV’s flexible scheduling, small classes, expert advising, and affordability to earn an associate degree and then transfer to a 4-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree. CCV academic advisors are available to assist you with the transfer process. - Note on High School Completion Status
Don’t have a high school diploma or GED (General Equivalency Degree)? Vermont’s adult education organizations can help you complete your high school diploma or GED. Click here for the Vermont Agency of Education’s directory of VT adult education organizations. Not in Vermont? Search for adult basic education agencies in your local community. You may still apply and enroll in courses at CCV. However, you must complete your high school diploma or GED to be eligible for most financial aid opportunities. - Policies Related to Admissions
Student Financial Assistance
- Costs, Expenses and Financial Assistance
Learn about options for paying for college. - Refunds
Learn how CCV determines refunds. - Federal Financial Aid
- Learn how to access federal financial aid at CCV.
- See what federal loans are available to you and learn about loan exit counseling.
- Policies Related to Financial Aid
- Student Loan Information
Learn about federal loan options. - Financial Aid Counselors
Contact a CCV financial aid counselor with questions or for help applying. - Code of Conduct
CCV Financial Aid acts in compliance with a code of conduct.
General Institution Information
- Accreditation
The Community College of Vermont is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (formerly the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.). - Student Outcomes
- Career Services
CCV’s career services are designed to help you get the job you want or go further in the job you have. Career consultants, tools, and resources are available to ensure you’re on the right path. - Student Activities
- Student Communication
One of CCV’s major methods of communicating with students is via email. CCV expects all students to actively use their CCV.EDU account to communicate with the College. Alternatively, students may set up automatic forwarding to send their CCV.EDU email to their preferred email account. To receive help with your email account, please contact the Help Desk through the CCV student portal. - Non-Discrimination Statement
Every member of the Community College of Vermont (CCV) should work to ensure non-discriminatory processes and practices with faculty, staff, and students. Qualified students are recruited for, admitted to, and participate in all college programs without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or any other category protected by law. CCV will provide reasonable accommodations to create equal opportunity for students with known disabilities. CCV is an equal opportunity employer. Faculty and staff are employed without discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability unrelated to job requirements.
CCV will make reasonable accommodations to the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant or employee. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Additionally, CCV will engage in efforts to recruit, admit, and support students and to recruit, employ, and support employees in order to achieve the diversity which advances the educational mission. CCV complies with state and federal laws related to equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Please contact Angie Albeck, CCV Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer/504 Coordinator, if auxiliary aid or service is needed to apply for admission or employment.
Any questions or complaints about potential or perceived discrimination in violation of any state or federal law should be directed to Angie Albeck, CCV Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator and Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer/504 Coordinator (802-654-0690; 1 Abenaki Way, Winooski, VT 05404), Amy Stuart, Deputy Title IX Coordinator (802-654-0542; 1 Abenaki Way, Winooski, VT 05404); the VSC Office of the Chancellor; the Vermont Office of the Attorney General; the Regional Office of Civil Rights; or the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, Washington, D.C. - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
VSC Policy 312: FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, addresses this Act. - Voter Registration
See local CCV academic centers for current information about registering to vote. Information and voter registration forms are also available from the Vermont Secretary of State. - Copyright Infringement
VSC Policy 416, Use and Ownership of Copyrighted Materials, and VSC Policy 502, Computing and Telecommunications Technology Conditions of Use address copyright infringement policies and sanctions. - General Institutional Policies
Health and Safety
CCV is committed to providing a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. We have policies regarding academic center safety, drug and alcohol use and abuse, sexual harassment, and disruptive persons, as well as CCV’s Emergency Reference Guide and a complete security report.
- Emergency Situations
CCV does not employ a campus security force, but fosters a close relationship with local police departments. Incidents that occur at a CCV academic center, and may be criminal in nature, are reported promptly for investigation by the local law enforcement authority. The CCV community is notified of emergency situations by posting alerts at the affected center, on the CCV website, and by emailing the College community. In addition, emergency notifications will also include voice and text messages to the phone numbers that are provided to us.- In case of a College emergency, information will be posted and updated online. Always consult our website for the latest information.
- For guidelines on how to be safe and what to do if you think you are the victim of a crime, consult the Safety and Security page.
- The Crime Awareness and College Security policy further addresses safety and security, hate crime reporting, emergency response and evacuation procedures, and timely warnings.
- Drug-Free Schools and Communities
- Download CCV’s Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act Notice.
- CCV offers A Guide for a Drug-Free Campus & Workplace, available in academic centers.
- Policies Related to Health and Safety
Title IX
All CCV students have rights afforded to them under Federal Title IX which says:
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Under Title IX, schools are required to respond and remedy hostile educational environments. CCV has several policies that address Title IX and other federal protections.
- Non-Discrimination and Prevention of Harassment and Related Unprofessional Conduct (VSC Policy 311)
- VSC Policy 311 Implementing Procedures
- Sexual Misconduct, Domestic and Dating Violence, & Stalking (VSC Policy 311a)
- VSC Policy 311a Implementing Procedures
- Disability Compliance Policy – Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
- Lactation
Students with questions regarding Title IX should contact Angie Albeck, CCV Equity Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, 802-654-0690 or angie.albeck@ccv.edu, or Amy Stuart, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 802-654-0542 or amy.stuart@ccv.edu.
Online Course Accessibility Standard
The Community College of Vermont is committed to ensuring accessibility of its online coursework. CCV expects all online courses will conform to WCAG 2.1 AA standards, and the college will promptly address issues of inaccessibility. Those with concerns about the digital accessibility of an online class and/or the digital materials used for an online class may notify the college using the Digital Accessibility Alert Form.
For questions on web and electronic accessibility, contact EIT (Electronic Information Technology) Coordinator Jennifer Alberico at jennifer.alberico@ccv.edu or 802-828-4063.