Your Responsibilities to Ensure a Correct and Timely Payment

  1. For all GI Bill® Benefits, submit your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or eBenefits Statement verifying your eligibility to CCV prior to the start of your first semester.
  2. Establish a direct deposit account with the VA.
  3. Submit a Request for Enrollment Certificationeach time you register for classes, add a class, drop a class, or withdraw from a class.
    1. You can only be certified for classes which fulfill a specific requirement of your degree program. You will have to pay for courses outside your program with other resources.
    2. If using Chapter 33 benefits you must take 7 or more credits to receive a housing allowance. Check with your Veteran Advisor if taking accelerated classes for credit/stipend requirements.
    3. A delay in submitting the form will cause a delay in your certification, and thus, your payment.
  4. Attend classes.
  5. Verify your attendance each month (if required):
    • All chapters other than 31,33 and 35: Verify attendance using WAVE
    • Chapter 33: Verify attendance via text. Learn more here: Chapter 33 Enrollment Verification
    • Chapters 31 and 35 are not required to verify attendance
  6. Notify your CCV VA Certifying Official of any changes to your class schedule or personal information.
  7. Read anything the VA sends you thoroughly. This might eliminate any problems with timely receipt of payment.
  8. Apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program if you are 100% CH 33 eligible and are an out-of-state student who does not qualify for in-state tuition under Section 702 of the Choice Act.

Understand the Impact of the Number of Course Credits Taken

  • Benefits are distributed based on the level of enrollment you choose each semester (number of credits that are certified).
Full Time3/4 Time1/2 Time1/4 Time
Fall/Spring12+ credits9 – 11 credits*6 – 8 credits3 – 5 credits
Summer9+ credits7 – 8 credits5 – 6 credits3 – 4 credits

*Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill students enrolled in 6 or less credits in Fall/Spring will only receive funds for the cost of tuition and fees.

Submit All Transcripts from Military Training and Other Colleges and Review Transfer Equivalencies

Prior to starting at CCV, you must supply the CCV Registrar’s Office with official copies of your military transcript and transcripts from any other colleges you’ve attended.

  • For all branches except Air Force, your military transcripts can be ordered from the JST System. Air Force members can receive their transcripts from the CCAF.
  • Transcripts from all other colleges should be sent to :
    CCV Transcript Clerk
    PO Box 489
    Montpelier, VT 05601
    or emailed directly to
  • Once your transcripts have been received, review the transfer equivalencies with your CCV Academic Advisor to understand what is required to complete your degree. You may choose to appeal to the CCV Academic Dean to substitute courses for CCV requirements by providing additional details or explanations.

Actively Monitor Your Degree Plan to Ensure Required Courses Are Taken

  • Only required courses can be certified to the VA or paid for using Tuition Assistance.
  • Regularly review your Program Evaluation on the CCV Portal (in Web Services under Student Academic Planning) to see how your current courses fit into your plan.
  • Work with your CCV Academic Advisor and the CCV Course Catalog to anticipate future coursework.

Verify Attendance Monthly

Understand the Consequences of Not Passing (or Dropping) Courses

  • The VA and DoD require that you maintain satisfactory academic progress to retain benefits, including a 2.0 GPA.
  • If you fail a course, you will be able to repeat it and utilize the GI Bill to retake the class. According to the evaluation system policy, if you need to take a course for a third attempt, an appeal to retake the course must be submitted in writing to the Academic Dean. CCV also requires students to maintain good academic standing.
  • If you drop a course, withdraw from a course, or audit a course, you may be required to repay any GI Bill money you received for such classes.

Communicate with CCV Staff Promptly

  • While the Veteran & Military Services Team makes every effort to follow-up on alerts and requests we receive directly, we are not always the first to know when something comes up in a student’s life – you are! We ask that you keep us informed about your life if it pertains to school or your benefits. The sooner we know, the more proactive we can be!

“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at

Ready to get started?

Apply today or contact us with any questions.