CCV’s chief executive officer is the president, who operates within the policies and procedures of the VSCS Board of Trustees. The president has final decision-making authority concerning the internal affairs of the College and is advised by the President’s Council.
Joyce Judy has been president of CCV since 2009. A special focus of her work is on expanding access to higher education for all Vermonters, from high school students taking college courses to adult students seeking new career opportunities. She has overseen the development of a broad number of workforce education initiatives and has been a statewide leader in increasing the number of students who continue their education after high school.
By expanding CCV’s relationships with the philanthropic community, Judy has achieved significant growth in private support for CCV initiatives, including several scholarship programs, the Introduction to College and Careers course to improve college-going rates of Vermont high school students, and enhanced services to veteran and military students.
Judy serves on the New England Board of Higher Education Executive Board, the UVM Health Network/Central Vermont Medical Center Board of Trustees, the Vermont Higher Education Council, and the Vermont Business Roundtable, and is a Commissioner to the New England Commission of Higher Education. She is a member of the Future of Vermont Action Team, convened to steer the Vermont Council on Rural Development’s Vermont Proposition, which seeks to advance resilience, justice, strong communities, and a sustainable economy.
Waterbury, Vermont
President: Joyce Judy
Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Student Affairs: Heather Weinstein
Dean of Administration: Nicole Mace
Dean of Academic Affairs: Deborah Stewart
Dean of Enrollment and Community Relations: Katie Mobley
Dean of People and Culture: Mary Brodsky
Senior Director of Workforce Education: Tiffany Walker
Senior Director of Engagement and Academic Centers (Northeast): Gretchen DeHart
Senior Director of Engagement and Academic Centers (Northwest): Marianne DiMascio
Senior Director of Engagement and Academic Centers (South): Kim Martin
CCV’s College Council is comprised of representatives from CCV’s staff. A forum for discussion of college-wide issues and concerns, College Council can identify problems and recommend new or modified policies to the president of the College.
The Academic Council monitors consistency and quality among academic programs and reviews and evaluates CCV’s academic and degree-granting processes. The board proposes, reviews, and recommends academic policies to the president.